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Soil structure (properties) 土壤结构(特性)

Soils have four main parts:水、空气、矿物质和有机物,它们之间的关系产生了土壤中的许多特性,概述如下。




Soil texture 土壤质地 :



The textures of different soils are shown below 不同土壤的质地如下所示 :

Soil nutrients (bases) 土壤养分(基质):





Soil moisture 土壤湿度





Soil formation processes 土壤形成过程

Translocation 移位

包括许多过程,但主要是土壤中水或物质的向下运动。The main features of translocation are shown below 包括许多过程,但主要是指水或物质在土壤中的向下移动。转移的主要特征如下

Processes that come under the heading of translocation include 属于易位的过程包括


Where soluble material is removed in solution.

1. 浸出可溶性物质在溶液中被去除。

2. Cheluviation: When iron and aluminum sesquioxides are removed due to chelating agents.

2. 螯合作用。当铁和铝的六价元素由于螯合剂而被去除。

3. Illuviation: Material re-deposited in the lower horizons.

3. 缓解。材料重新沉积在较低的地层中。

Soil types and exles 土壤类型和实例

Zonal soils 区域性土壤

These are classified on a global scale and have climate as the major determining factor. They are mature, have distinct profiles and clear horizons. They are strongly tied to climatic regions as shown in the chart below 这是在全球范围内的分类,以气候为主要决定因素。它们是成熟的,有明显的轮廓和清晰的地层。如下图所示,它们与气候区紧密相连:

Climate Zone 气候区:

Soil Type 土壤类型:

Arctic 北极

Tundra 苔原

Mediterranean 地中海地区

Mediterranean 地中海地区

Desert 沙漠

Red yellow desert 红黄沙漠

Equatorial 赤道地区

Latosols 热带红土

Azonal soils 无代土壤

Far more recent, and soil forming processes have not been in operation for long. Horizons are unclear and they are not linked with climate and vegetation. Their immaturity is a result of high altitudes, low temperatures and slow decay of organic matter. Exles include scree, till and volcanic soil.


Intrazonal soils 气候带内的土壤

Soils found within the climate belt are different from normal, they are a result of a dominant local factor, for exle, parent rock. Three types exist 在气候带内发现的土壤与正常土壤不同,它们是当地主导因素的结果,例如,母岩。有三种类型:

Calcomorphic/calcareous soils: which develop on limestone. 钙质/石灰质土壤生长在石灰岩上。Hydromorphic soils: where water content is always high. 水成土水含量一直很高。Halomorphic soils: saline due to high salt level. 卤代土壤由于高盐度而产生的盐碱地。

Podsol 波德索尔

Develops if precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration. Often soils are sandy, coniferous forest exists and the climate is cool. A typical podsol is shown below 如果降水量超过蒸发量,就会形成。土壤通常是沙质的,存在针叶林,气候凉爽。一个典型的豆荚地如下图所示:

Leaching is intense, humus acidic, and horizons are bleached as iron, aluminium and organic matter is removed. Horizons are clear as the cool conditions lead to acidic soils, which do not encourage earthworms.


Brown earths 褐土

These are moderately or well-drained soils, found where precipitation exceeds potential evapotranspiration, and particles move downward through the soil. They are the main soil in the UK due to the warm temperate climate. Annual leaf fall contains nutrients and mull develops which is fertile humus. Top horizons are dark and become lighter in the B horizon as leaching and eluviation occur. The soil is reasonably fertile.


自然地理土壤圈知识点 地理土壤的形成知识点

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