
生活常识 2023-05-14 20:35生活常识www.xinxueguanw.cn

mainland的意思 记不住单词怎么办?根据词根猜-59_马

拿着单词列表按顺序背单词又枯燥又低效,往往背到abandon就放弃了,再到abortion就流产了。即便能坚持天天背,背完没两天又忘了。那有没有更高效的 呢?

其实英语单词跟汉语一样是有偏旁部首的,只要记住它们,遇到不会的单词就可以猜,所以要记的东西就大大减少了。这些偏旁部首就是词根,因为英语融合了各种语言,比如希腊语、拉丁语、法语、德语,所以词根也来自不同的语言,根据词根在源语言中的意思来解释英语单词意思的 叫词源学。按照词源学记单词又快又有意思。



1. cavalcade,[?k?vl?ke?d],n. 行列,队伍,骑兵队。A cavalcade of limousines and police motorcycles is going through the city. 一支豪车和警用摩托的车队正在穿城而过。

2. cavalier,[?k?v??l??(r)],n. (诗/文)彬彬有礼的绅士,骑士; adj. 漫不经心的,无忧无虑的。

As an adjective, cavalier describes acrions and attitudes that are haughty, unmindful of others#39 feelings, too offhand, such attributes often being associated with people in power (the military being one of the power-that-be). Thus, #39He answered in a cavalier manner#39 would signify that he was arrogant in his answer, as if the questioner were taking a little too much privilege with him. Or, #39After the cavalier treatment I received, I never wished to return,#39 signifying that I was pretty much made to feel unimportant and inferior. Or, #39After her cavalier refusal, I#39ll never invite her to another party,#39 signifying that the refusal was, perhaps, curt, offhand, without any attempt at apology or courtesy.作为形容词,cavalier指那些傲慢、不顾及他人感受、过于随意的态度,这些特征通常与掌权者联系在一起(军方是掌权者之一)。,“他以一种傲慢的态度回答”意味着他的回答很傲慢,好像他是提问者的爷一样。或者,“我受到无礼的对待后,就再也不想回去了”意味着这种对待让我觉得自己很渺小,很自卑。或者,“她傲慢地拒绝后,我再也不会邀请她参加聚会”的意思是,这种拒绝也许是草率、随意的,一点道歉或表示礼貌的意思都没有。

3. cavalry,[?k?vlri],n. 骑兵;装甲兵;装甲部队。The young cavalry officer has just received a letter from his sister. 这位年轻的骑兵军官刚收到一封他妹妹的来信。

4. chivalry,[???v?lri],n. 骑士精神。

Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned chivalry. 玛丽好像沉醉于他那套对女人的老式礼节中。

5. chivalrous,[???v?lr?s],adj. 侠义的;骑士的;有武士风度的。在中世纪,只有绅士和骑士才骑马,普通人只能走路。传统上(但我觉得实际上并不是)骑士们对女士礼貌周到,关怀有加,如果他们的利益和异性的发生冲突,就会自我牺牲。,我们用chivalrous来形容对女士有骑士态度的现代男性。

He was handsome, upright, and chivalrous. 他英俊、正直、对女士彬彬有礼。

6. chivalric,[#39??v?lr?k],adj. 骑士的;有武士气概的。

His explanation for the difference is that the romances #39reflect#39 the interests of chivalric aristocracy. 他对这种差异的解释是,浪漫小说“反映”了骑士贵族的利益。



1. equestrian,[??kwestri?n],n. 骑手;adj. 骑术的。

Organizers of the Olympics moved the equestrian competition here because Beijing and other mainland Chinese cities could not guarantee disease-free zones for the horses.


2. equestrienne,[?,kw?str?#39?n],n. 女骑手。

There will be huge ball gowns, enchanting combinations of color — pale blue served with pistachio , and equestrienne habits for riding sidesaddle. 那些大大的舞会长袍,迷人的色彩混合-浅蓝色搭配淡黄绿色,还有侧骑女骑士的设计。

3. equine,[?ekwa?n],adj. 马的,像马的。

Seahorses are truly unique, and not just because of their unusual equine shape. 海马确实很独特,不仅仅是因为它们不寻常的马一样的外形。


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