生活常识 2023-05-14 17:41生活常识www.xinxueguanw.cn
文件类型DivX Temporary Video File
Video file created by DivX Player, a video player program; contains downloaded video data in .AVI format; used as a temporary file until a whole video download is complete, at which time it is renamed with the .avi extension and saved.DDAT files, along with .DMSK and .DINFO files, are used to download and reconstruct a final AVI video file; DDAT files may be renamed with the .avi extension to play a partial video download.
DDAT, DMSK, and DINFO files use the same file name prefix and are stored in the Temporary Downloaded Files directory of a DivX Player installation.
DivX player initially reserves the full final DDAT file size on disk upon download and fills the file over time with the video file contents; for this reason, uncompleted downloads may take up excessive amounts of disk space..ddat打开.ddat文件
Mac OS
DivX PlayerWindows
DivX PlayerLinux