生活常识 2023-05-14 17:41生活常识
文件类型1Meta Media Video E-Mail File
Video file created with Meta Media software; may be exported from digital recording devices, such as video conferencing, video entertainment, video surveillance equipment, and web cams.Some Meta Media software programs allow video files to be shared via e-mail; these files are exported in the VEM format, which is why VEM files are often seen as e-mail attachments.
Since the VEM format is a proprietary video format, VEM video files can only be played with Meta Media Video Player (mmvem.exe).
Mac OS
Meta Media Video PlayerLinux
文件类型2Virtual Expander Compressed File
File compressed with Sonys Virtual Expander utility, a file compression and decompression program included on Sony Micro Vault flash drives.NOTE:
Files compressed with Virtual Expander are saved in the VirtualExpander_WW folder; when viewing the files directly in the folder, they may have the same filename and extension as the original uncompressed file; to decompress a file in the VirtualExpander_WW folder, simply drag it out of the folder and it will automatically be decompressed.打开.vem文件
Mac OS
Sony Virtual ExpanderLinux